
Do not ever walk on by in silence

I just saw a documentary with survivors from the Holocaust and... it´s impossible to even imagin the complete and utter evil and unthinkable things that children and adults where put through, it´s impossible to imagine that a human being could afflict such demonizing pain to another human being.

One thing one of them said was that it was just like bullying although on a much larger scale and she pled to the audience to not walk quiet by as someone was being tourmented at the schoolyard and I thought about the time I was with my high school class at the jewish museum of the Holocaust and after the guide the women lecturing said the exact same thing as she was looking straight at me with compassion in her eyes.

How did she know? Was it that obvious? The fear in my eyes?

And one thing I can be really proud of in my life is that I have never walked on by in scilene, not even if it´s regarding a cat, everywhere I go I always take my humanity with me and the promise that I will never, ever walk on by in silence because then I will be just like my tourmentors. And that counts in every person I meet, in every cry and every sadness, in every pain and every tear, always give a hand, don´t ever pretend like you can´t hear because your fellow human beings suffering is your suffering. Don´t ever forget that.